PROJECTS of the E.F.O.


              singing - play - dance - conducting    

                             in process of planning                          

          in the German capital Berlin



Conception and purpose:   

Such an initiative is worldwide missing, so that the city of Berlin thereby presents a singular, extremely medium significant meeting, which will - due to the popularity of this music art category - result in great international interest of specialists, press and other media. In the cooperating countries preliminary decisions are accomplished in the different operetta specific sections.

The respective winners will then be presented in Berlin during a final event.

Invited will be artists from Europe, (also worldwide artists) who want either to train themselves further in the field of operetta or those ones, which already bring along theatrical experiences. Thus in the competition will be two categories parallel rated, but from this mixture of professionals and young operetta artists then internationally mixed scenic and in concerto form presentations can be developed, which are presented medium-fairly in costume and mask or evening gown and Smoking/Tails within the associated European Operetta Festival.

Spreading guiding principle is the thought of the cultural identity of each country on the well-being and on the continuation of the category operetta with its different European facets and for the purpose of the cultural variety in the European Union.


The project is accomplished in co-operation with 4-5 European countries: We are in negotiation with appropriate institutions in Poland-Czech Republic-Hungary-Austria-Holland

For the realization of this project the E.F.O. is dependent on financial support! Donations, which are received for this project, are used accordingly. Please find a print formula to send us under "impress".


a project of the E.F.O.


Unfortunately it is a fact that there aren´t any courses for operetta at the German universities for music. This classical operetta is partly offered also during the opera studies although which, however, cannot do justice to this art kind roughly. An expression adapted at the subject opera is under no circumstances sufficiently purely stylistic since furthermore the operetta still requires many more facets. Further courses of studies come to the base of the first-class voting education in the technique of the opera song to train an operetta artist. It is particularly regrettable that such an education subject does not exist just in Dresden, the town with the only independent operetta theatre in Germany.

The E.F.O. has already contacted the university for music "Hanns Eisler" in Berlin, to integrate or to realize in cooperation with the university corresponding operetta courses.The experiences from discussions with different German universities have shown that, in principle, the lack of education in the subject operetta is regretted, however, for economic reasons must further be renounced.

For the continuation of the category operetta and the training of the artists required for it the following training courses are necessary:

- style of interpretation - manner of speaking - play - skill of putting punch-lines specifically of funny dialogues and the appropriate timing - dance, with or without singing - training of conductors for the stage art operetta - training of further sections such as composition, libretto, stage direction -

The E.F.O. raised this initiative in order to be able to establish the possibilities for training courses in the subject operetta at the universities in Germany!

For the realization of this project the E.F.O. is dependent on financial support! Donations, which are received for this project, are used accordingly. Please find a print formula to send us under "impress".

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